quick facts

Class: CS 260 - Networking

Time Frame: 3 Weeks


Peer to peer file transfer network

The purpose of this assignment was to create a peer to peer file transfer system. The system must support the ability to continue file transfers even if the server was disconnected.

See the readme inside the zip for how to use this project.


For more information on these commands, see the readme file

get files
download filename.ext


Files that are to be shared cannot have a space in the file name.

The longest possible file name is 20 characters, including extension.

Sharing folder requires a "temp" folder inside of it, for file splitting.

You cannot transfer multiple files to one peer.
Likewise, you cannot recieve multiple files from one peer.

You cannot send the same file to multiple peers at one time.
You can send multiple files to multiple peers, however.

Splitting files before transfer takes a while.

As the host of a file, you must have at least enough disk space to store another copy of the file you are going to transfer.