quick facts

Class: CS 380 - Artificial Intelligence in Games

Time Frame: 3 weeks

Team Size: 2 people


Goal Based AI Architecture

This is the final project for the Artificial Intelligence class. The project was to pair up with another student, and research one aspect of artificial intelligence in games. Me and my partner chose to do a goal-based architecture for AI agents. We made a The Sims like game, where the AI character is always trying to stay his happiest. To do this, he reviews his needs, and picks an object in the scene that best satisfies his needs, and then goes to that object to use it. This process goes on until the user exits the application.

This project was created using the XNA Game Studio and C#. This was pretty much the first time either of us had used either of those, so it was a challenge to understand how C# differs from C++, and how to get things done using XNA.

My Role

My job was to get the base framework set up so that my partner could program the goal-based architecture in a more high level. What that means is that I set up loading the scene, loading the scene objects and their effects, and did pathfinding from one point to another within the scene. I also did sprite animations, and 2D graphics pipeline work to get camera scrolling and zooming.


WASD - Move camera around
Q - Zoom out
E - Zoom in

Left Click on an item - View that item's properties
Left Click on actor - View that actor's status

Left Click on bar in upper left corner - Change the properties of the actor or item
