quick facts

Class: CS 350 - Advanced Computer Graphics

Time Frame: 2 weeks


BSP Tree

The purpose of this assignment was to construct a BSP tree from a list of triangles, and to render the scene without using Z-buffering. The framework for this project was provided by the professor, and the only thing I did was implement the BSP tree, and then render the scene using OpenGL.


WASD - Move around
C - Toggle camera control mode

1 - Wireframe mode
2 - BSP Tree mode

3 - Increase tree split discouragement (Generate less)
4 - Increase tree unbalance discouragement (Generate more splits)

Change "data/mesh/test_1.txt" with any of the other text files to see a different model.

test_0 is a simpler version of test_1, with less boxes.
test_2 is a more complex version of test_1, where the boxes are in a helix
test_3 is a map from a video game


Having too many splits can cause a crash. Especially on test_3
